Auto Fraud. Car dealer fraud. Auto dealer fraud. Car dealers find new and creative ways to cheat the consuming public. Georgia auto buyers are being swindled, cheated and lied to. Georgia car buyers are being separated from their hard earned money. Don’t put up with auto fraud.
Contact us if you have any of the below Georgia fraud problems:
electronic signing fraud
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Car dealer fraud. Auto dealer fraud. Are you a victim of car dealer sales fraud? Buy an ‘As Is’ auto that has prior wreck or accident damage? Does the vehicle need re-repairs for prior damage? No title, no emissions? Call Lee Legal. 404.288.4444
Car dealer fraud and Auto fraud is everywhere. Car dealers find it very profitable to sell a vehicle without disclosing the damage to the buyer. Or to sell a car or truck with mileage rollback issues, or to sell a vehicle that they cannot provide title on. Car dealers will even sale cars and trucks that have not and cannot pass emissions test.
Check for Recalls
Check the title history
Georgia Used Car Licensing Board
Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Henry, Newton, Rockdale, Walton county and south and east Metro Atlanta area. Serving Athens to Jonesboro since 1979. Car dealer fraud. Auto dealer fraud. Georgia attorney.